Pascal Super Library
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
183 lines
unit Movbut;
Moving Button Component
John Baumbach Delphi 1.0
email: mantis@vcnet.com Copyright (c) 7-17-96
http://www.vcnet.com/mantis by John Baumbach
This component is 100% free and you are free to use it any
way you wish. If you have a use for this component, all I
ask is that you e-mail me at the above address and let me
know. Thanks!
Installation Instructions:
To check out a sample application without installing
the component, load the project file "movingbt.dpr" with
the Delphi editor and run. If you have an error like
"Can't execute a DLL", make sure the sample form is loaded
by "View | Forms | ButtonObject", then clicking "OK".
If you have an error like "Invalid File Name" during compile time
change your "Options | Project | Directories-Conditionals |
Output Directory" to the name of the directory which has the
unzipped files (if Delphi is set up to produce an output file).
Installing Component to Toolbar:
This component is currently set up to be added to the "Samples"
palette of the toolbar. If you wish to add it to a different
one, change the word "Samples" to the name of the desired
palette in the "Register" procedure below.
Select "Options | Install Components" and select "Add", then
"movbut.pas" from the directory where you unzipped this file.
Delphi will then recompile the toolbar and the "TMovingButton"
component will be added to the palette!
If you want to keep this component permanently, copy the "movebut.pas"
and "movebut.dcr" files to the "Delphi\LIB" subdirectory and follow the
above installation step.
You can remove the component at any time the same way, except choose
"Options | Install Components" and choose "Movbut" to remove.
Using the MovingButton:
Once installed in toolbar, you can use it just like the "TBitBtn"
component. The button is designed to move around inside the parent
rectangle, whether it's the entire form or a container such as a panel.
The sample application uses three panels to house the three buttons, with
no bevel so the panels are invisible.
The new properties are "PixelsPerMove", "MoveInterval" and
"IsMoving". PixelsPerMove is how many pixels the button will move each
time it moves, MoveInterval is how many milliseconds between moves, and
IsMoving is whether or not the button is currently moving.
On a 486-100 with 16 megs under Win95 and the default of
100 milliseconds for "MoveInterval", the system is able to handle
a maximum of the following number of buttons before bogging down
(during run time)
TBitBtn Ancestor:
No Glyphs: 9 buttons
With Glyph: 8 buttons
During design time, they will bog down sooner. Setting the timer
to a longer delay will allow more buttons to be added without bogging.
Changing the ancestor to "TButton" doesn't affect performance.
Currently, the buttons will take up system CPU cycles even
when "IsMoving" is set to false. Once the parent of the button is destroyed
all the resources are freed, so this shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Also, dragging buttons around (while they're moving) during design
time leaves tracers on the screen. This is harmless but annoying.
To remedy, I would set "IsMoving" to false during design time.
I plan to add: animation to the glyphs, scrolling text, and growing and
shrinking button sizes. I just need to find the time.
If you want to edit the bitmap that appears on the palette, the image
is located in the "movebut.dcr" file. Use the Delphi Image Editor to
edit the bitmap and save it back to this resource file. Don't change
the name of the bitmap in the resource file or it won't be added to
the palette.
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons;
TMovingButton = class(TBitBtn)
procedure ButtonTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); { added procedure }
xdir, ydir: integer; { variables in procedure }
speed, minterval: integer;
ButtonTimer: TTimer;
buttonmoving: boolean;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
{ additional properties to go onto object inspector panel }
property MoveInterval: integer read minterval
write minterval default 100;
property PixelsPerMove: integer read speed
write speed default 1;
property IsMoving: boolean read buttonmoving
write buttonmoving;
end; { of type }
procedure Register;
procedure Register; { registers with toolbar when being installed }
RegisterComponents('Samples', [TMovingButton]);
constructor TMovingButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
begin { procedure to create button type and }
inherited Create(AOwner); { set default behavior }
{ "Inherited" means it gets all the }
{ properties of TBitBtn }
minterval:=100; { time in milliseconds between moves }
speed:=1; { pixels per move }
width:=127; { button width }
spacing:=10; { glyph spacing }
font.color:=clBtnText; { Delphi uses "clWindowText" by default, which }
{ is odd... }
ButtonTimer:=TTimer.Create(Self); { create the timer }
with ButtonTimer do begin
Enabled:=true; { turn timer on }
interval:=minterval; { set interval }
OnTimer:=ButtonTimerTimer; { point to movment procedure }
buttonmoving:=true; { set button in motion }
procedure TMovingButton.ButtonTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
ButtonTimer.Interval:=minterval; { update interval }
if xdir > 0 then xdir:=speed else xdir :=speed * -1; { update speed }
if ydir > 0 then ydir:=speed else ydir :=speed * -1;
if buttonmoving then begin
if xdir > 0 then begin { moving right }
if (left + width + xdir) <= parent.clientrect.right then
left := left + xdir
xdir:=xdir * -1; { change sign if can't go right }
else { moving left }
if (left + xdir) >= parent.clientrect.left then
left:=left + xdir
xdir:=xdir * -1; { change sign if can't go left }
if ydir > 0 then begin { moving down }
if (top + height + ydir) <= parent.clientrect.bottom then
top := top + ydir
ydir:=ydir * -1; { change sign if can't go down }
else { moving up }
if (top + ydir) >= parent.clientrect.top then
top:=top + ydir
ydir:=ydir * -1; { change sign if can't go up }
{The button has been destroyed!!!}